Robert Haertig  
Painter & Sculptor
Texan born, Robert has left a trail of paintings and sculptures across the United States.  His mother first saw and encouraged his talents.  Formal training began at Elmhurst College in Illinois while he was studying to become a minister, art and ministry have been compatible for his forty-five years as a pastor.  He has studied painting with Doris Jean Colvin who increased his appreciation of color. 

Training in sculpture has been with Ray Jensen and Louise McDowell in the Seattle area, and with Mme.  Marie Christine Cadiau in France.  Although he sculpt in clay, his preferred material is wax-and-bronze.  He has several commissioned works in progress.  His bronze may be seen in or on seven Washington churches and in many homes and churches across the nation.  Much of his bronze work has a whimsical touch and also expresses the depth of his faith journey. 

Retired as a minister of the United Church of Christ his painting interests are eclectic and not much escapes his interest.  Robert prefers pastel, both dry and oil, although for convenience in traveling he used watercolor crayons during his year in France. 

Click  HERE to see some of his work. 

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